
Facilities Management

Landscape Maintenance Projects

Project Description

A landscape renovation at Lincoln/Washington Halls at Adams Street included removal of compacted dirt and gravel and replacement with trees, shrubs, and ornamental grasses along with LED solar bollards and brickpavers along the newly replaced sidewalk.

Repairs to campus underground utilities (sink holes) and other drainage repairs included work at Currens Hall, Thompson Hall, Morgan Hall, University Union, between Sherman and Simpkins Hall, north of Corbin Hall, in South Quad service dock, in lower parking lot west of East Village (L Lot) and in the upper parking lot at Horrabin Hall.

Two bike repair station concrete pads were installed at the University Union and Grote Hall. One new bike patio and set of loops were installed at the University Union.

A retaining wall at Corbin Hall damaged by excessive summer rains/erosion was rebuilt using new materials and old materials were recycled further up-slope.
