
The Right Choice for Your Success

Eta Epsilon Chapter Activities

We are very proud of how active our chapter is and we have been recognized for our efforts with several awards! Our chapter was awarded the Outstanding Regional Chapter Award after only one year of establishing the Eta Epsilon Chapter. Read the article.

More recently, we were recognized at the Phi Beta Delta annual conference for winning the annual award for the Midwest Region and the Eileen Evans Overall Outstanding Chapter Award, named after the former Executive Director of Phi Beta Delta (2004). The Eileen Evans Outstanding Chapter Award is given each year to the chapter that has most notably demonstrated qualities such as growth and development, expanded outreach within and beyond the academic community, and service to Phi Beta Delta.

Check out our for more pictures of our recent activities.

Fall Fun Fest - October 4, 2024 - Horn Lodge Campus

The annual Fall Fun Fest was held at Horn Lodge to immerse º£½ÇÆƽâ°æ international students in the fall activities of autumn campfires and pumpkin carving. About 40 individuals participated in roasting wieners and marshmallows as well as carving Jack-o-lanterns, all provided by PBD. Free transportation was provided by the Center for Global Studies.

group photo of all the students (around 30) who participated, a few faculty members, and the students' carved pumpkins students carving pumpkins outdoors students carving pumpkins outdoors a decorated pumpkin carved with windows

American Culture Night - September 3, 2024 - Malpass Library Garden Room

New international students gathered to learn more about American culture to help ease their adjustment to studying in the United States. Dave Behymer and Jack McKinnon presented material to the students and other members assisted with questions and additional information, as well as providing drinks and snacks!

group of about 18 students sitting at tables listening to presentation in the university library group of about 18 students sitting at tables listening to presentation in the university library

Macomb High School Presentation - March 25, 2024

On March 25, 2024, Phi Beta Delta member Guada Cabedo-Timmons and two º£½ÇÆƽâ°æ students, Gabriel Galindo and Maria Rybka, met with 35 Macomb High School students and gave excellent presentations on Hispanic Culture, accompanied with delicious food samples provided by Guada. Tonya Hamer, a Spanish teacher at MHS, and Scott Sullivan, Principal, deserve our thanks for allowing us to meet with the students.  It went extremely well with lots of questions from the students and they were, indeed, quite interested in the presentations. We mentioned that we would like to expand the event in future years and the students and three teachers present seemed very interested in working with us on doing so; perhaps something as was done years ago when we had students representing four or five different types of cultures and the event covered several hours.

º£½ÇÆƽâ°æ student presenting to HS classroom º£½ÇÆƽâ°æ student presenting to HS classroom º£½ÇÆƽâ°æ student presenting to HS classroom º£½ÇÆƽâ°æ student presenting to HS classroom

Spring 2024 American Culture Night - January 18, 2024 - Malpass Library Garden Room

Despite below freezing temps and snowfall, we had a great crowd and interested participants.  Culture Night is held in both the Fall and Spring semesters.

students sitting at a table in the library listening to a speaker students filling out information at tables in the library students sitting at a table in the library listening to a speaker

Taste of India Scholarship Dinner - November 4, 2023 - Campus Students for Christ

To raise money for scholarships for international education, this event featured Indian cuisine prepared by Phi Beta Delta members David Behymer and Jack McKinnon, ably assisted by many of º£½ÇÆƽâ°æ's Indian students. The students also presented cultural information and entertainment from India. A silent auction of international items was held as well. Almost $1,000 was raised for scholarships.

woman dancing and singing table with art and crafts from various countries posed photo of six indian students woman dancing and singing

Fall Fun Fest - October 21, 2023 - Horn Lodge Campus

To help international students learn about fall activities, we had our second annual Fall Fun Fest at Horn Lodge. Students had a bonfire wiener roast and carved Jack-O-Lanterns for Halloween which they took with them to decorate their homes. There was also a walk on a trail through the Horn Lodge woods. We greatly appreciate the transportation provided by the Global Studies Office.

students cooking hot dogs over fire students carving pumpkins students cooking hot dogs over fire

Taste of Spain Scholarship Dinner - November 5, 2022, 6:00 PM - Campus Students for Christ

students cooking at a stove people sitting at tables listening to a speaker

This event featured authentic Spanish cuisine (prepared by Phi Beta Delta member Guada Cabedo-Timmons and Spanish students volunteers) entertainment, and a silent auction.

Our chapter raised over $800 which will support two international education scholarships.

Taste of India Scholarship Dinner - November 3, 2018, 6:00 pm, Campus Students for Christ Taste of India event

This event featured authentic Indian cuisine (prepared by Phi Beta Delta members and Indian students volunteers) entertainment, and a silent auction.

Our chapter raised over $800 which will support two international education scholarships.

International Day at Macomb Junior/Senior High School - November 13 and 15, 2017

Town & Gown outreach with local high school students.Every year, members of the Eta Epsilon Chapter along with staff, faculty and student volunteers present to 7th and 8th graders at the local junior high school.

Countries represented this year included:

Myanmar, Saudi Arabia, Jamaica, Zimbabwe, India, China, Malaysia, Ireland, and the United Kingdom.

Taste of India - International Scholarship Fundraiser - November 3, 2017- 6:00 pm, Campus Students for Christ House

dancingThis event featured authentic Indian cuisine (prepared by Phi Beta Delta members and Indian students volunteers) entertainment, and a silent auction.

Our chapter raised over $1000 which will support two international education scholarships.

International Bazaar - March 4, 2017


Members of the Eta Epsilon chapter promoted Phi Beta Delta at the 44th International Bazaar. We made and sold out of Brazilian chocolate balls and sold authentic international items at the International Marketplace. All of the money from the marketplace will go toward our International Student and Study Abroad Scholarships.

A Taste of India - International Scholarship Fundraiser (November 12, 2016) - 6:30 pm, Campus Students for Christ House

All proceeds from this event funded our International Student and Study Abroad Scholarships.

Helping Haiti - November, 11th and 14th from 10 am - 3 pm, University Union Concourse

All proceeds will be given to UNICEF. Checks can be made out to Phi Beta Delta and sent to Memorial Hall 347.

International Day at Macomb Junior/Senior High School - April 7-8, 2015

Every year, members of the Eta Epsilon Chapter along with staff, faculty and student volunteers present to 7th and 8th graders at the local junior high school. Countries represented this year included Spain, Cameroon, Myanmar, Poland, Malaysia, Ireland, France, Kyrgyzstan, Nepal and Turkey.

E-waste: What is the Problem? - Monday, March 28th, 3:00 pm, Stipes 121

The Eta Epsilon chapter hosted a panel presentation and discussion on global impact, environmental impact, health concerns, º£½ÇÆƽâ°æ e-Waste management, buying responsibly, and policy.

International Day at Macomb Junior High School - April 2015

Every year, members of the Eta Epsilon Chapter along with staff, faculty and student volunteers present to 7th and 8th graders at the local junior high school. Volunteers present on a specific country and share information about the country's culture.

International Scholarship Fundraiser - Asian Cuisine - November 15, 2014

The event featured an authentic Asian meal (prepared and served by PBD members, Spanish club volunteers), a silent auction, music played by an international student alum and tinikling. Our chapter raised over $1,000 that will go toward scholarships supporting international education.

International Day at Macomb Junior/Senior High School - April 3-4, 2014

Every year, members of the Eta Epsilon Chapter along with staff, faculty and student volunteers present to 7th and 8th graders at the local junior high school. Volunteers present on a specific country and share information about the country's culture.

International Scholarship Fundraiser - European Cuisine, November 9, 2013 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Macomb's American Legion Hall

The event featured an authentic European meal (prepared and served by PBD members, WAVE volunteers and Sociology student volunteers), a silent auction, a ballet performance and a music performance. Our chapter raised over $1,100 that will go toward scholarships supporting international education.

Going Global with Phi Beta Delta

Each semester, Phi Beta Delta sponsors presentations/panel discussions that are international in nature.

International Day at Macomb Junior/Senior High School April 2013

Every year, members of the Eta Epsilon Chapter along with staff, faculty and student volunteers present to 7th and 8th graders at the local junior high school. Volunteers present on a specific country and share information about the country's culture.

International Scholarship Fundraiser - Mediterranean Dinner, November 3, 2012 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Macomb's American Legion Hall

The event featured an authentic Mediterranean meal (prepared and served by PBD members), live music, a silent auction, and fun for the whole family. Our chapter raised over $1,300 that will go toward scholarships supporting international education. A second international scholarship fundraiser is scheduled for November 2013.

Explore the World: International Opportunities, Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Faculty, students and staff were invited to attend "Explore the World: International Opportunities" to learn about numerous opportunities abroad. The poster session included tables representing Study Abroad, Peace Corps, Rotary, Fulbright, Faculty Opportunities, Teaching Abroad, and Other Opportunities.

Phi Beta Delta Presents: Western Community, Global Opportunities

This program is a series of 15-minute episodes, each highlighting someone or something with an international focus on the campus or in the community. The episodes will be broadcast regularly on º£½ÇÆƽâ°æ's TV channel (channel 3).

Previous episodes include:

  • º£½ÇÆƽâ°æ Through the Eyes of International Students
  • Taking Shakespeare to China
  • Study Tour, Mexico
  • Impact of the Peace Corps Experience
  • Promoting World Peace through Int. Education
  • 30 Years of Internationalization at Wiu
  • Internationalization of the LEJA Program
  • Phases of Independence for a Saudi Woman in the USA
  • WISE Spain
  • International Education and º£½ÇÆƽâ°æ: Where are we are where are we going
  • Returned Students Share the Benefits of Studying Abroad
  • The U.S. Presidential Election: Views from Abroad
  • º£½ÇÆƽâ°æ Recruitment Overseas: A Global Endeavor
  • Western Women: Brought Together by Opportunity
  • The Role of Languages in Internationalization
  • Serving the Needs of WESL's International Students
  • Rotaract: Rotary in Action
  • Foreign Language Study Abroad Opportunities
  • Peace Corps Week
  • Study Abroad Aboard: Introduction to the Cruise Industry
  • Insights into Cuba
  • An American Visit to Romania
  • Campus Internationalization: Why It Is Important for Everyone
  • Costa Rica: Study Abroad
  • Teaching and Exploring in Myanmar
  • Undocumented Students and Allies Coalition
  • International Neighbors Program
  • The International String Quartet Program
  • Paraguay is Calling
  • You in Peru
  • Inclusivity in Sports and Social Cultures
  • USA and Russia
  • Oh the Places You'll Go
  • Things Americans Don't Know about Immigration
  • WELD Atlantis Program
  • Water Conservation Awareness
  • Communities as Agents of Change: Leveraging Federal Grants to Internationalize º£½ÇÆƽâ°æ
  • Faculty Exchange and International Guest Scholars
  • Choosing The Right Study Abroad Program For You
  • My Australian Adventure