
University Policies

Approval Date: 12/09/05
Revision Date: 12/11/08, 05/07/20
Approved By: Faculty Senate

Grades and Class Attendance

Evaluation of a student's achievement is the responsibility of the instructor. It is assumed that during the progress of the course every instructor will have applied adequate, valid measures which will result in an objective, reasonably reliable grade assignment and that these measures will have been made known to the student at the beginning of the term.

Reasonable measures should be taken by the instructor, within the framework of the class structure, to evaluate the students and to make the results available to the students upon inquiry. Instructors should attempt to consult with students who are doing unsatisfactory work.

An Incomplete for a course may be given only when the student, due to circumstances beyond his/her control, has been unable to complete the course requirements within the official limits of the term. The mere failure to complete an assignment or to take the final examination, unless illness or other emergency is the cause, does not justify the recording of the Incomplete. The circumstances involved must be documented to the instructor's satisfaction.

If an instructor neglects to record a grade for a student by the deadline, an Incomplete will be recorded. It will be the responsibility of the instructor to initiate a Grade Change Request.

Students are expected to attend all classes in which they are enrolled. Instructors should exercise good judgment in considering excuses for absences, but it is the student's responsibility to confer with the instructor and to agree to any reasonable arrangements to compensate for his/her nonattendance.

When a student does not appear in class for several sessions, the instructor may contact the Office of Student Development and Success Center so that attempts may be made to locate the student.

NOTE: Students will not receive a grade or credit for any course for which the registration was not completed in a timely manner in accordance with university procedures. Students who have any obligation to the university (such as unpaid fines, tuition, fees, residence hall charges, missing admission documents, etc.) will not be allowed to register for classes until all obligations are met and should not expect retroactive enrollment for the period of time during which they were not eligible to register. A student who is not registered for a course must have instructor permission to attend class up until the last published day to register for the class (usually tenth day). Attendance past the last published day to register without being officially enrolled for the class is not permitted without permission of both the instructor and the chair/director.

Grade Change Request:

If the instructor makes an error in determining the student's final grade, the reported grade may be changed. Grade changes for other reasons would normally be initiated under the incomplete grade, grade appeal, or academic integrity policies. For changes under this policy, the Grade Change Request should be initiated by the instructor and reported to the Registrar's Office within three weeks after the next term begins. The department chairperson must acknowledge the request, indicating that he or she has reviewed and approved the grade change. Upon receipt of a valid Change of Grade change Request, the Registrar's Office will change the permanent record, and will email a notification of the change to the student and the student's academic advisor. The Registrar's Office will return without action any Grade Change Request that does not meet the specifications for justification and required department chair acknowledgement.