
Board of Trustees

Download a printable PDF of Section VI

Approved: December 3, 2019
Section VI. Physical Facilities
Subsection: A. Use of University Facilities

The University shall develop policies concerning the use of University facilities. The policies and any changes shall become effective when approved by the President.

The policies shall include the following provisions and such other provisions as are necessary and appropriate:

  1. Protection of the right of free speech, subject to reasonable limitations on the time, place, and manner of exercise of that right.
  2. University facilities may be used by individuals or non-University groups and organizations.  Use of University facilities for official activities or by University groups and organizations shall have priority over use by individuals or non-University groups and organizations.
  3. Prohibition of fund raisers, canvassers, solicitors, vendors, and their agents from pursuing their occupations on University property in accordance with approved University regulations.
  4. Provisions concerning compliance by individuals, groups, and organizations using University facilities with University requirements regarding insurance to protect the Board, its members, and employees.