
Sponsored Projects

Budget Reallocations (Budget Revisions)

Many grant/contract agreements do not allow funds to be reallocated between account budget lines unless a budget revision is agreed to by the project director and the funding agency. To negotiate a budget revision, contact the Office of Sponsored Projects at (309) 298-1191.

Institutional Prior Approval Systems

(PHS, NSF, and USDE)
The Public Health Service, National Science Foundation, and the U.S. Department of Education have authorized the University to approve many expenditure items, including budget changes, by the following institutional prior approval procedure:

1. The project director writes a letter of request (e-mail is acceptable) including justification to the Office of Sponsored  
    Projects (OSP).
2. The project director signs the letter and then forwards the request to the Office of Sponsored Projects.
3. The Office of Sponsored Projects approves the request if in order and forwards it to the appropriate Grant Accountant.

If you have questions about rebudgeting or other expenditure items on PHS, NSF, or USDE grants, call the Office of Sponsored Projects to find out if institutional prior approval is authorized or if prior agency approval must be obtained.