
Sponsored Projects

Sample Questions

  1. Does the project fall within your priorities?
  2. Do you expect the average award size to differ from last year?
  3. How much money is allocated to this program?
  4. How much money will be available for new awards?
  5. Will any special criteria be used?
  6. Does the program provide continuation funding in future years?
  7. What is the anticipated application/award ratio?
  8. Are there any unannounced programs in my area?
  9. What are the most common mistakes made?
10. What would you like to see addressed that other applicants overlook?
11. Would you review a pre-proposal or concept paper?
12. Would you review a draft proposal?
13. Can you provide or refer us to a previously funded proposal?
14. How will the proposals be reviewed?
15. How much technical expertise will the reviewers have?
16. What percent of your awards are made to unsolicited proposals?
17. Can you provide a copy of the review form?